Monday, April 8, 2019

National Center for Atmospheric Research

I ran across a book on the architecture of I.M. Pei and was surprised to read that one of his early designs was the National Center for Atmospheric Research located in Boulder, Colorado.

This is a case where architect and client blended well and created a stunning achievement. 

They offer tours that tell not only of the atmospheric research they do, but also the design history of the building. It is worth the time to experience the building.

Beautiful scale models of the building site are on display. These were the original architectural models that showed the client the intended design.

This display of the building is created on ceramic tiles and is on display as you enter

Interesting stairwell coming up from the parking lot

The interior houses displays dealing with the atmospheric research being done and gives real world examples of how choices you make in your lifestyle affect the climate.

This architecture is a very stunning design that has aged well from when designed in the 1960's.