Saturday, June 30, 2018

Annual Meeting at the Electric Co-op

Every year our local electric cooperative has an annual meeting and dinner for it's members. This is the first year I was able to attend. It was a great experience.

They had their lift bucket trucks on display and were giving rides to those with a desire. That looked to be quite the experience - wished I had gone up.

They had a most interesting display of various types of underground cable. Part of this display included a machine that sends a signal along underground cable to detect where the cable has failed. A read out is provided giving the distance along the cable where it failed . Then a signal can be sent which causes a firecracker like noise to take place at the fault. This allows crews to dig within two feet of the fault and make repairs.

Many electric cars were on display. I learned that even though lots of new meters are being installed every year overall demand for electricity is declining. This is not surprising given the increased energy efficiency of appliances and lighting. The only thing on the horizon expected to increase demand is the wide spread use of electric cars.

Not surprisingly electrical companies are promoting electric cars. Quite a few were on display at this annual meeting along with the owners who were telling about their driving experiences.

Enjoyed discussions about solar energy and net metering and the efforts the company is putting forward to increase use of renewable energy.

I found out that about 45% of our power comes from coal fired generating plants, 33% from renewable energy sources (Hydro, Wind, Solar), 12% from purchase on the open market at great prices and the remainder from Oil or gas fired generation. The coal fired plants are owned by our supplier of electricity (NRE) while the renewable energy is from private companies under contract. The latter is due to non profit electric companies not being able to take Federal tax credits for renewable energy while private companies can.

The dinner was well done with many choices of BBQ and all the fixin's. Turns out the folks I shared a table with are narrow gauge railroad buffs which made for interesting dinner conversation.

Took the opportunity to top up the charge on the car

Lift truck on display

All ready to give rides

Loading the passenger


A few of the many electric cars on display

Drink mugs in the form of large light bulbs were given to each member

The various types of underground cable were on display. I learned what is the replacement cable for what was installed up here in the early 70's.

This fascinating machine tells the repair crews where there is a fault with an underground cable and where to dig

A "BOT" was on hand to greet the children

Pretty good turn out for the dinner

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Smokey The Bear

As you enter our neighborhood here on the mountain you pass a number of signs telling the status of the fire danger on the mountain. The Colorado mountains are tinder dry right now and low humidity and strong winds make this a dangerous time for wild fires.

One of our neighbors is a former fire chief and he recently refurbished the Smokey the Bear sign. He painted the background and applied a new decal of Smokey. Seems the environment here allows about ten years of life to the decal before Smoky's colors fade away.

The "Firewise" sign on the left signifies our neighborhood has worked to reduce fire danger within the neighborhood by thinning trees, eliminating undergrowth, removing sources of ignition and generally reducing the danger of fires to our homes.

At the moment we are under a Stage 2 fire ban which is intended to eliminate all sources of ignition. Interesting times...

Friday, June 15, 2018

Gunnison Colorado City Park

We stopped at the Gunnison, Colorado City Park and were able to admire the floral display in the park. They do a nice job with their tribute to the Armed Forces.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Road clean up day

There is a sixteen mile County road that cuts across the Mesa near our mountain subdivision.

The neighborhood gets together once a year to patrol the road and pick up the trash that ends up along the way. Each neighbor takes a mile or two and walks the road picking up anything that does not belong.

Mostly it is cans, but center caps from pickup wheels, remains of Mylar balloons, logging chains and all sorts of other interesting stuff has been found.

We took Mile 7 and 8 which are level, but pretty desolate. We got about one good sized trash bag of stuff.

The folks who picked the lower mile sections got to enjoy the morning mists from the river

Friday, June 1, 2018

Pueblo Railway Museum

Pueblo, Colorado is the home to the Peublo Railway Museum. We stopped by to see how things are going.The steam engine on display has a nice coat of paint and looks good. The remainder of the equipment is in various stages of restoration...

The retored Depot is very nice, both inside and out.

Old time barber shop is still in service