Friday, October 26, 2018

Lockport New York Flight of Five

One of the major engineering accomplishments on the Erie Canal was controlling water over a tremendous drop near the town of Lockport. This was done by the use of five locks all connected to each other. This was called the Flight of Five.

When the canal was modernized those five locks were reduced to two deeper locks which are still in use today. The former five locks are now part of a canal museum

This is one of the Flight of Five

Reproduction canal boat is on display

Well done models show how the locks worked in the early days

Today all locks are controlled by automated machinery

The present two locks are quite deep and very impressive


  1. Thanks for this very interesting post!

  2. If you guys ever go narrowboating in Britain, you'll have the fun (and it really is) of operating most of the locks manually, and by yourselves, or with the help of another boat crew.
    I'm enjoying the pics.
