Monday, June 13, 2016

Old Lot Mine

When you leave Powderhorn, Colorado and head North on Highway 149 you can just see the top of a mine hoist house about 3 mile outside of town. We've noticed it for several years and today had the time to drive back and explore it.

The forest service road getting to it is best attempted in dry weather. Gates are to be left as you find them.

The mine hoist house has had sheet metal panels installed over the deteriorating roof, but some have blown off. County records show the mine was active in the early 1930's and again in 1954, but it looks as if some attempts at electrification have taken place since then.

Down  the hill from the mine are the remains of a mill. Much of the equipment is still in place including the rock crusher, stamps, boiler and drive machinery. Time is catching up with this building so it will not be long before  total collapse.

It is not often I get to see milling equipment still in position.

As always, take only pictures and leave only footprints. Most important, "Stay out of old mines"! 

The records of this one show a 20 foot vertical shaft and a 154 foot inclined shaft. Best to stay a long way away from these shafts.


  1. Yes, safety considerations indicate staying a loooong way away from sections of this mine. It is amazing any if it is still standing knowing its 80+ year history!

  2. Very nice photography! It's amazing how intact it still is after all this time. Very cool!
