Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Betsy's Birthday

This was the year our oldest daughter turns 40. When I hit that memorable age 25 years ago the family gathered in the Embassy Suites Hotel in Overland Park Kansas to celebrate. 

Betsy wanted to do the same for her 40th birthday so 25 years later we were back staying at the same hotel and celebrating with family.

Decorated the room and cake with black crepe and icing
 The next day we went to Union station to check out the Christmas displays
Little boys and train displays
Wesly, Mandy and Geta - Sean stayed home for critter care
Bennett, Wesley, Greta and Emery
Bennett, Blake, Betsy and Emery
 Just outside of Union Station is the stop for the KC Streetcar. We hopped on board and explored the route.

This led us to one of the more interesting experiences of the day, The ChinaTown Food market. The sights, sounds and smells of a market selling live crabs, fresh fish and all kinds of oriental food made for a day the grandchildren won't soon forget. 

We stocked up on rice and noodles. This was a very non traditional place to visit on Thanksgiving. 
I've not been bowling for years, but it seemed like a good thing to do to let the grandchildren burn off some steam. Turned out to be a good call and we all had a good time.
We were in the VIP area which comes close to providing sensory overload with loud music and multiple screen of music video. I'm going with the distractions as being the reason I did so poorly with my scores - Yeah, that's it for sure...
The kids had the advantage of  bumpers that raised from the gutters and prevented the rolling of gutter balls. they did pretty good for their first time on the lanes.
My favorite is this "Dinosaur" ramp which allowed you to place a ball on the top and roll it down the ramp after lining it up with the pins.

We had a nice time!

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