Friday, May 12, 2017

Louisiana State Capital in Baton Rouge

We stopped to explore the Louisiana State capital in Baton Rouge. We read the views from the top floor were spectacular and we wanted to see the location of where Huey P Long was assassinated.  

We were run thru security just inside this door and found my Leatherman tool was not allowed so I had to go leave it in our vehicle and return. 

Just inside the door was a canoe carved from one Cyprus log. It was a beautiful piece of woodworking.

The main lobby was beautifully finished

The views from the top floor were indeed beautiful

The location in the hallway of the Capital where Huey P Long was shot was well marked with considerable documentation. To this day there remains controversy as to exactly what happened, however the current thinking is Mr Long was shot twice. One bullet was from the assassins weapon and the other was a result of cross fire from Mr. Longs body guards. One of the  bullets did undiscovered damage that caused his death a few days later. An internet search will turn  up the medical report of the shooting if you have an interest.

This is the hallway where the shooting took place. There are still bullet impacts visible on the marble from the cross fire from the body guards.

The Senate chambers

This building is worth a visit if you find yourself in the area.


  1. I did not know the story of the "red stick". The capitol is a beautiful building. I would love to see it!

  2. So the senator was shot right there in that hallway? Yikes. Interesting stuff.
