Friday, March 30, 2018

Pigeon Poopers

We store our motor home in a three sided metal pole building. One side is open and allows birds, especially pigeons, to roost in the rafters. Pigeons poop when they alight for flight (weight savings I suppose) which results in the motor home being covered in pigeon poop whenever we went to get it out of storage.

A search of the Internet showed that you can staple Slinky toys to the tops of the rafters and this will prevent the pigeons from having a place to sit. For the reasonable price of Slinky toys we thought we'd give it a try.

Multiple Slinky's were stapled to the tops of the rafters with each loop about two fingers of width away from the next.

The experiment is a success - no pigeon poop on the motor home after two months!

1 comment:

  1. We attached a ‘Slinky’ toy to the post on our bird feeder to discourage squirrels. It was fairly successful. It was more fun to watch the squirrels try to climb the slinky than it ever was to watch the slinky “roll down a set of steps”!
