Friday, May 18, 2018

Matthew's Band

I belong to a model railroad club. We have members of all ages including one talented fellow, Matthew, who is in High School. In addition to his model railroad skills he also plays in the High School band.

We recently completed a scene on the model railroad dealing with the technology of Star Wars. Matthew mentioned his band would be playing the Star Wars theme music at the "Band-O-Rama" event held at the local high school and that I would enjoy it.  Boy, was he right!

Band-O-Rama is an event in which the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and High School bands all perform in the local high school gymnasium. It is well organized with the bands moving between their seating in the bleachers and onto the floor rather seamlessly.

All bands did a great job of playing their selections of music. At the end the band leaders had all of them playing the same song together. That many instruments really rocked the gym.

Julie and I were sure glad to have gone and thank Mathew for the invitation.

The following video clip is of all of the bands playing together for the finale. That was something to hear...


  1. It was nice of you to go and support this young man. Great music too!

  2. What an amazing sound when all band members played simultaneously! Mom lived marching bands. Me too!
