Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Bear on the Deck

We live in the mountains of Colorado, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. We enjoy the solitude and being surrounded by wildlife.

Elk, deer, badgers, moose and birds of all types are regularly in the area. We also have a large cinnamon colored black bear that roams the area and for the most part leaves us alone as do we him. You'll see him moving around the neighborhood, but always at a distance.

We have a new bear this year however who is a youngster and is most curious about all things people related and is becoming a pest. It climbs trees in the yards  and stays there for hours looking in the windows, plays in the bird bath and has no fear of people.

The other morning I'm drinking my cup of coffee and I see this young bear strolling across our deck. He is sniffing everything and checking all corners of the deck.

Our barking dog drove him off. He was back again this morning...

We made a gate to close off the deck and will see if that keeps him away. If not, some kind of spike strip on the top of the gate may be required.

Interesting fur color

He has had free access to the deck  coming up the stairway

We just completed a gate to try and keep him out. Not sure if he will just climb up and over.

I built it to be strong enough to withstand a bear climbing over the top. We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. Cute little fella. I don't know how I'd feel about lounging on my deck with all those bears wandering around.
